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Posts tagged ‘trials and tribulations’

Q is for Quiet

Do you know why it’s been so awfully quiet around Travel tales? A little while ago I mentioned THE BOOK, right? Well, it is this exact project which keeps me from travelling and writing about travelling.

I could be terribly upset about the fact that I hardly get out (and I mean, literally, leaving the house) yet, I am not. It’s actually a lot of fun to put together a manual for doing a road trip. I wish I could put the finished manuscript into a time capsule and send it to myself two years in the past. That would have been terribly handy. On the other hand, it’s been a blast learning by doing.

Anyway, as a means of keeping myself sane I’ve started a writer blog and those of you who are dead keen to follow my trials and tribulations through this new journey are more than welcome to wander over and have a look.

Otherwise the release date is rushing closer. In fact, I should probably halt the blogging and work on THE BOOK. Bye!